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    Why go meatless this May?

    April 27, 2020

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    Why go meatless this May...?

    Go Meatless this May for your health and for the health and sustainability of the planet! 

    The concept of ‘Meatless Monday’ has been in circulation for over one hundred years.  It has been used globally during this time, as a means of moderating food staples dating back to the first word war and in more recent times, to help fight preventable lifestyle diseases and illness. Today it is also linked to animal welfare and education around global warming and sustainability for a healthy future for us all.  

    For your health

    Eating a predominantly plant-based diet has been linked to reversing and managing many chronic lifestyle diseases and illnesses. It has been proven to be the best chance we have as humans, for the highest quality life possible. No one can argue with you when it comes to including more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet right?

    A quote from Dr Colin Campbell; “So, what is my prescription for good health? In short, it is about the multiple health benefits of consuming plant-based foods, and the largely unappreciated health dangers of consuming animal-based foods, including all types of meat, dairy and eggs.”

    Did you know that all the nutrients your body needs to thrive and flourish comes directly from a whole-food plant-based diet free from processed meats, dairy and refined sugars? Whole-foods or plant-based foods are foods in their most natural form, with minimal processing just as mother nature intended.

    Consuming more wholefoods from the rainbow or as we like to call them; REAL FOODS, you will be showering your cells with essential vitamins, minerals, fibre and so many key nutrients in abundance. A plant-based diet has been linked to improved health, general well-being, longevity and overall performance. 

    Specifically, after going completely plant-based, you may experience the following;
    -Reduced inflammation
    -Increased energy
    -Better hydration
    -Protection of cells from free radicals and stress due to high amounts of antioxidants
    -Quicker recovery time
    -Deeper sleep cycles
    -Better digestion and absorption of nutrients
    -Strengthened immune system which decreased the risk of injury or illness
    -Improvements to lean muscle mass
    -Optimal body fat percentage
    -Improved mental clarity and wellness

    Adopting a whole-food plant-based diet has also been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol,
    helps slow down the aging process and decreases the chances of contracting an autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, hormonal/endocrine issues, osteoporosis and many more. 

     Did you know that there is only one diet that has been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients, and that’s a diet centered around plant-based wholefoods.

    What about protein?
    One thing to remember is that every plant food on this planet contains protein.
    If you're worried about muscle growth and repair, remember that resistance training is what builds muscles and carbohydrates are what fuels the body for sustained energy during training. While protein is essential for muscle recovery, it's resistance training that builds muscles not protein. 

     Whether you are a whole-food plant-based international tennis star like Serena Williams, a plant-based ultra marathon runner like Rich Roll, a vegan body builder like Nimai Delgado, or a once avid meat eater like Arnold Schwarzenegger, trust that mother nature will support you in every facet of your life. 

    For the planet

    Did you know that by going vegan for just one month, you could save;
    124,917 Litres of water
    543kg of grain used to feed livestock
    84 SQ.M of forrest
    273 kg of Co2
    30 animal life’s

    It has been said that the best way any one can dramatically reduce their impact on this beautiful planet earth is to remove all animal products and bi-products.

    Think about it… Do you need to eat meat every day for survival? The science says no. And mother earth seconds that. She provides you with all you need to live a vibrant and healthy life, and she needs your support to ensure she can keep doing so.

    By eating less meat you are directly helping support animal welfare by reducing the extinction of native animals due to mass deforestation. By reducing deforestation world wide you are helping support a healthy ecosystem for future generations. I think we can get caught up in the mundaneness of life and forget about the importance of the environment around us and that without nature, we won't exist.

    You are also saying no to the inhuman treatment of animals. Mass suffering of any living being is not ok on many levels. Especially when we don't have to. Our beautiful mother earth gives us an abundance of plant-based wholefoods naturally with no suffering. Man’s over consumption and greedy consumerism has introduced unethical methods and treatment of animals, which is having greater impact on our environment and its sustainability than first intended. By choosing to go meatless this May, you are also helping to minimise overfishing, you are saying no to farmed animals and reducing our overall water usage. 

    Some scientists believe that it is way more beneficial in reducing your footprint by adopting a vegan diet, when compared to buying an electric car or by cutting down on your flights. 

    Organic plant-based farming directly fights the effects of global warming by supporting water conservation, improved soil health, with the added benefits of supporting animal health and welfare. Organic farming centered around plant foods also reduces the amount of harmful and deadly chemicals and pesticides from entering the environment. These poisons are now being linked to mass health issues for both humans, animals and even the health and longevity of the land.
    All in all, it's a win win if you ditch the meat, and go plant based!
    By supporting local organic farmers you are combating the threat of disease or illness and contributing to a healthier future for all living organisms.

    In just one month think about the bigger picture and what the immediate effects one person can have on their health and the health of the planet.

    It’s easy to contribute to preserving the earth's biodiversity and enhancing future sustainability. 

    Just cut out the meat!

    Garden of Vegan’s top 5 meat replacements;

    There is nothing more exciting that some fresh inspiration in the kitchen. How can you modify some of your favourite meals to not incorporate meat? Check out Garden of Vegan's top 5 meat alternatives and some suggestions from the co-founders below; 


  • Beans
    Beans can be added to many traditional meat based dishes as a replacement. They are a great source of protein, fibre and are packed with antioxidants. They help heart health (think about the shape of a bean, very similar to that of the human heart), reduce cravings and help stabalise blood sugar levels. Beans can be used as a breakfast option, lunch option, snack option or dinner option. 

  • Walnut and mushroom mince
    A great substitute which can be used in spaghetti Bolognese, san choy bau, lasagna, risoles or as veggie burger patties.

  • Organic Tempeh or Tofu
    This can be added to burgers, stir-fry’s or as an accompaniment to veggies or salad mixes. Both Tofu and Tempeh are great sources of protein and very versatile to cook with. 

    Head Chef Druen loves experimenting with organic tofu and tempeh. 
    One of his favourite things to cook for his partner is a sesame and ginger tempeh with edamame noodles, in a red miso broth with chilli, coriander and mixed seasonal greens.

  • Jackfruit
    Jackfruit comes from a tropical plant that has a very interesting texture. It is chewy and reminds me of pulled pork consistency. It can be flavoured, roasted, backed and used in many dishes as a great meat alternative. You can definitely have some fun with this one. 

  • Avocado
    Avocado is a highly nutritious and filling food that is so versatile. It is jammed packed with healthy fats, is a great source of vitamins C, E, K and B-6 as well as many key minerals. Add it to sandwiches, wraps, burgers, salads, pizza toppings, cakes, mouses, smoothies and so much more. 

  • Co-Founder Benny loves to eat an avocado a day. He eats it raw, adds it to smoothies, as a side with his dinner or any way possible!



    At Garden of Vegan we understand that one month meat free may be a challenge for some or a foreign concept. And that is ok. We appreciate where you are on your health journey and want you to know that by adopting a few small changes in what you are cooking and what you are purchasing, it can have a great impact on your health and an even greater impact on the health of the planet. We are here to support you and want to help you on your journey.

    Reach out to us and jump on board the Meatless May movement. We ensure you, that it only has positive side effects.

    Order our pre-prepared organic plant-powered meals each week to help you through, or get creative in the kitchen with our organic, seasonal produce boxes, delivered straight to your door. Either way, we are here to support you and have a solution to suit your lifestyle. 

    We have many education videos, tips and tricks to guide you through the process and have created an online community where you can share your experience. 

    So what are you waiting for?

    IS Foundation on Meatless May;
    Meatless May;
    Dr Michael Greger;