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    Plant-Based Diets and Aging

    August 02, 2024

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    Plant-Based Diets and Aging

    As we age our bodies are more susceptible to age-related diseases. But while aging is inevitable, it is possible to affect the rate of which we age and we can reduce or delay the effects of aging and age-related diseases with lifestyle choices such as adopting the plant-based diet.

    The effects of the plant-based diet and aging

    Aging can be observed by aging biomarkers and biological age has been advocated as a better biomarker of aging than chronological age. In simpler terms, we can have conditions that age or effect our organs, skin, bones, joints, brain health, muscle mass, etc., that could age us sooner than our apparent chronological age. Examples of things that might age us sooner than our chronological age might be diet, stress, diseases, substance use, etc.

    Some of the biological age markers that are studied are organ health, gut health, inflammation, metabolic pathways, and more. There are several ways to determine biological aging. One key way to measure biological aging has to do with what is called DNA methylation. The science is a little complex but to simplify this, DNA can be studied to determine biological age of any tissue and measuring these DNA based clocks can be used to study the risk of early disease as well as predictors of life expectancy and mortality. For example measuring DNA changes can be used to predict the health of organs or the rate of which organs are changing which can be used to predict the condition of the organ or diseases.1
    Several DNA studies and metabolic studies have been done on people who choose the plant-based diet, so we will highlight two as they relate to aging.

    First, there was a identical twin study between omnivores and vegans.

    According to a recent study of identical twins, "The diet intervention trial, which involved 21 pairs of identical twins, suggests that adopting a vegan diet may significantly lower biological age estimates in a relatively short timeframe."2. How? Well the article stated "Only those participants who adhered to a vegan diet for eight weeks demonstrated a decrease in the biological ages of five organ systems, including the heart, hormonal, liver, inflammatory, and metabolic systems."
    Furthermore the specific article stated "Ultimately, the study revealed unique DNA methylation changes associated with each diet, with only the vegan diet specifically leading to beneficial methylation changes that may contribute to reduced biological age."2
    So one can expand on this and imagine that the benefits of the diet will continue when someone remains on this diet for their lifetime.

    The twin study also notes that there could be additional benefits related to reduced caloric intake, which has also been shown to aid in longevity.

    Larger studies have also proven the benefits of the plant-based diet and aging. In one study on aging trajectories, and among 12,784 participants, aged 50 years or older, based on a recently developed biological aging measured over an 8-year period, the conclusion was: "We identified three distinctive aging trajectories in a large Asian cohort and found that adopting a plant-based dietary pattern, especially when rich in healthful plant foods, was associated with substantially lowered pace of aging."3. This again shows the benefit of eating a plant-based diet.

    In addition aging and age-related diseases can be discussed in other terms such as mental cognition, muscle mass loss, and more. More studies and research needs to be done for long term effects or benefits but we already know many benefits on aging and body/organ stress by reducing inflammation, increasing good nutrient absorption with a healthy guy microbiome, managing and losing weight, and reducing chronic disease conditions such as diabetes.

    While more studies are needed across the board for people in different age groups, one strong conclusion is that eating a whole food plant-based diet provides numerous benefits to your body which can maintain and improve the current health of your skin, bones, organs, as well as aid in preventing disease recurrence.

    How can Garden of Vegan improve your health?

    Garden of Vegan can help you with your health goals by making it easier for you to eat healthy nutritious foods:

    1. Garden of Vegan delivers healthy, plant-based ready-made meals across Australia. Leave the food cooking and nutrition to us!

    2. Garden of Vegan also delivers healthy sides, pantry items, and fresh produce boxes.

    3. Garden of Vegan also has many meal plans to help you achieve your health goals.

    So when you don't have the time or energy to prepare healthy food, let us help you improve and maintain your health and heart health. All Garden of Vegan delicious meals, sides, and produce boxes are certified organic and dairy-free, gluten-free, additive-free, and preservative-free. So you know you will be getting delicious meals, sides, and snacks that are super healthy as well.

    Unable to cook healthy food and you are an NDIS participant? No problem! Garden of Vegan works with the NDIS program too.

    Garden of Vegan's customers, including NDIS participants, can rest assured that our organic meals, produce, and pantry items are 100% organic and nutritious! And, NDIS participants only pay for the food cost component of the meals they order. You can learn more about Garden of Vegan NDIS plans and healthy meal delivery by filling out our NDIS form and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible.

    We want people to be healthy! We are continually changing our menus and expanding our nutrition information online! Join our Newsletter and read our blog.

    Additional health information from Garden of Vegan

    Garden of Vegan Vitamin Guide:
    Learn more about healthy foods and how you can increase your vitamin intake with healthy meals, sides, sauces, desserts, and pantry items at the Garden of Vegan Vitamin Guide.

    1. DNA Methylation Biomarkers in Aging and Age-Related Diseases - Frontiers [Genetics]
    2. An 8-week short-term vegan diet may help reduce biological age - Medical News Today
    3. Association between plant-based dietary pattern and biological aging trajectory in a large prospective cohort - National Institute of Health (NIH)