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    Plant-Based Diets and Hypertension

    August 10, 2024

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    Plant-Based Diets and Hypertension

    Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition where the force of the blood against the artery walls is consistently too high. This can cause the heart to work harder than normal to pump blood throughout the body. Numerous health problems can occur if one's blood pressure is not under control. Medical science has shown that lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, reducing salt intake, and managing stress can help control blood pressure. But, did you know that a plant-based diet has also been proven to reduce or help control blood pressure?

    The effects of the plant-based diet on blood pressure

    I think we should get to the point. From the NIH, the main point is strongly emphasized "First line therapies for all stages of hypertension include exercise and weight loss.[4] However, results from one small cross-sectional study suggest that a plant-based diet is the more important intervention."1. Thinking about this, all medical professionals know about the benefits of exercise on the body and in addition, a plant-based diet has been shown that it aids in weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

    But one important result is clear from the study "This study compared the blood pressure of sedentary vegans, endurance athletes (matched for body mass index with the vegan group) consuming a Western diet and running an average of 48 miles per week, and sedentary subjects consuming a Western diet. Blood pressure was significantly lower in the vegan group.[5]"1. Notice it says sedentary vegans. Now we, nor doctors, don't recommend people living a sedentary lifestyle, but it shows that even for people who cannot live an active lifestyle, the vegan diet will help lower your blood pressure.

    But is that study enough? Did they have other or bigger studies? You bet. There were two major studies (and others) that have shown results. The big one "Epic-Oxford study included more than ten thousand British subjects and showed that vegans presented the lowest levels of hypertension and blood pressure (BP), while meat-eating individuals presented the highest ones."2

    In the second study of importance, in the first study to compare blood pressure among habitual vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians, and non-vegetarians, called the Adventist Health Study-2 (AHS-2) calibration sub-study, the investigators found that vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians had significantly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and significantly lower odds of hypertension (0.37 and 0.57, respectively), when compared to non-vegetarians.1,2

    To be clear, the major impact of the plant-based diet on reducing blood pressure has to do with improved outcomes in the cardiovascular system (See more on cardiovascular health). The proof is in the studies.

    Yet in another study of 500 subjects, in Taiwan, health screening programs were conducted at a standard medical screening program in Taiwan between 2006 and 2017, and dietary data was gathered by self-administered questionnaires. What did the study show? "Multiple regression analyses confirmed that the vegan vegetarians had lower systolic and diastolic BP (mmHg) than omnivorous Taiwanese"3 and further a strong conclusion "The study concludes from this relatively large study that vegetarians, especially vegans, with otherwise diverse characteristics but stable diets, do have lower systolic and diastolic BP and less hypertension than omnivores."3

    The studies on hypertension reduction are there. And, let's note the other benefits of a plant-based diet on reducing inflammation, increasing good nutrient absorption with a healthy guy microbiome, managing and losing weight, and reducing chronic disease conditions such as diabetes.

    How can Garden of Vegan improve your health?

    Garden of Vegan can help you with your health goals by making it easier for you to eat healthy nutritious foods:

    1. Garden of Vegan delivers healthy, plant-based ready-made meals across Australia. Leave the food cooking and nutrition to us!

    2. Garden of Vegan also delivers healthy sides, pantry items, and fresh produce boxes.

    3. Garden of Vegan also has many meal plans to help you achieve your health goals.

    So when you don't have the time or energy to prepare healthy food, let us help you improve and maintain your health and heart health. All Garden of Vegan delicious meals, sides, and produce boxes are certified organic and dairy-free, gluten-free, additive-free, and preservative-free. So you know you will be getting delicious meals, sides, and snacks that are super healthy as well.

    Unable to cook healthy food and you are an NDIS participant? No problem! Garden of Vegan works with the NDIS program too.

    Garden of Vegan's customers, including NDIS participants, can rest assured that our organic meals, produce, and pantry items are 100% organic and nutritious! And, NDIS participants only pay for the food cost component of the meals they order. You can learn more about Garden of Vegan NDIS plans and healthy meal delivery by filling out our NDIS form and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible.

    We want people to be healthy! We are continually changing our menus and expanding our nutrition information online! Join our Newsletter and read our blog.

    Additional health information from Garden of Vegan

    Garden of Vegan Vitamin Guide:
    Learn more about healthy foods and how you can increase your vitamin intake with healthy meals, sides, sauces, desserts, and pantry items at the Garden of Vegan Vitamin Guide.

    1. A plant-based diet and hypertension - National Institute of Health (NIH)
    2. Plant-Based Diets Reduce Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review of Recent Evidence - National Institute of Health (NIH)
    3. The benefit of vegetarian diets for reducing blood pressure in Taiwan: a historically prospective cohort study - BMC - Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition